Sustainability Performance 2021

Blade Life Cycle Virgin Blade End-of-Life Blade Turbine Waste Marerials Virgin Materials Other Industries Recycled Materials Recycling Recovery Disposal Prevention Reuse Repurpose Bridges Sculptures Repurpose Transport Lifetime extension Transport Disposal Manufacturing waste Incineration Landfill Co-prosessing Reuse Cement Kiln I n s t a l l a t i o n D e c o m m i s s i o n i n g M a n u f a c t u r i n g F r a g m e n t a t i o n R e c y c l i n g Blade life cycle & industry joint effort Innovation to drive the sustainable energy transition LM Wind Power is in an industry that provides some of the technological solutions to tackle the most pressing challenge of our times: climate change. We are not afraid of setting ambi- tious targets for ourselves; however, we can only succeed if we join forces with our partners- to build a sustainable future. We want to work with our customers and suppliers so that we can be the example of how an industry sustainably modifies its val- ue chain to power the green energy transition. Together, with other leading companies, we strive to optimize the use of natural resources throughout the lifetime of a blade, aiming to give these resources a new life within a circular econ- omy. As a blade manufacturer, our position in the value chain enables us to influence the emissions that occur upstream, before a blade is installed on a wind turbine. It is a fact that more than 70% of emissions from the life cycle of a blade occur during resource extraction. Therefore, to improve the overall sustainability of our products, we need to effectively engage with our supply chain partners. LM Wind Power is committed to limiting to the minimum the use of balsa wood, and whenever it is not possible to eliminate it, source it from responsible sources. The balsa we still need to source comes from global suppliers who have provided strong evidences for sustainable sourcing policy or FSC certifications. In 2014 we introduced PET as an alternative to balsa, and since then we have progressively transitioned from balsa wood to PET. Currently, around 95% of our blades use PET. We also aim to have a substantial volume of the PET from a recycled source, keeping in mind the overall carbon footprint optimization that includes both material extraction and transportation. Engagement with our supply chain on waste prevention will increase over the coming years; in partnerships we are explor- ing how we can ultimately deliver waste back to suppliers, for recycling into new materials that will be supplied to the wind industry or other sectors. We influence the sustainability of our products by integrating life cycle thinking into our blade design processes. However, cross-sector partnerships are also essential to establish recy- cling infrastructure and a viable market for recycled blade material. Going forward, we will continue to actively participate in industry conversations and research to improve sustainabili- ty throughout the blade life cycle. 25 | LM WIND POWER SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE 2021